mission and vision
As enshrined in the University Act, the University aims to provide and upgrade education, training and research in fields of regular education and technical education, and to create entrepreneurship and a conducive environment for pursuit of the regular and technical education in close co-operation with industries. Further, as a very distinguishing feature of its vision, the University aims to make provisions for the advancement of technical education amongst classes and communities which are educationally backward.To fulfill the above broad vision, the University develops flexible and innovative academic programmes and procedures that cater to a very broad range of students with different background, and prepares them to compete at the national and international levels.
In addition to transmission of knowledge through a very well thought teaching pedagogy, the University lays a strong emphasis on knowledge creation through a well planned research programme in emerging areas, and application of knowledge by undertaking issues and problems from the industry. Apart from academics, the University lays a very strong emphasis on the overall development of a well rounded personality of its students with both professional and emotional maturity to take up the challenges in their chosen profession, and to contribute to the development of society.